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    40 Reasons Your Business Needs a Blog

    40 Reasons your Business needs a Blog

    Even though large businesses have fully dedicated content marketing programs and blogs for them, it’s even more important and easy for small businesses and startups to have one o their possession. And for this reason, we will try to discuss the reasons behind your company’s need for a blog.

    1. Educate Your Prospective Buyers
    A business that needs a platform to publish their contents does it with the help of a blog. It provides you with a platform that gives you a scope to directly interact with your prospective customers and educate them regarding the nature of your business. We are using the word educating as it is far too powerful, extremely trustworthy and have more relevance towards the website visitors in contrast t pure selling or even to usual marketing content. Education means that you have thought about their situation and can anticipate the questions they may have. It also means that you understand who they are.

    2. Answers To Common Business Queries
    A blog actually lets you answer to the common queries that you only respond to only once. After this, ou can easily respond to the reply with a link in the follow-up communications. This proves particularly valuable for customer service and sales associates who remain in the frontline for answering to the customer queries apart from trying to be helpful.

    3. Creates The FAQs On Your Website
    A blog helps you to create the series of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for your site. For instance, the FAQ section of your website contains a list of the most common questions with short answers. You can take each and every FAQ and convert it into a full-fledged topic for an icle with images, diagrams and videos.

    Addition of a link to the blog article in the FAQs can be given so that the visitors can acquire full information on the topics they are researching on. This kind of linking can prove to be really helpful for all those visitors who are researching on a particular topic even in the middle of the night when your office is closed. Even if your site is devoid of any FAQs, it is high time that you concentrate on developing that particular section.

    4. Blog Article Has Topic Addressal In Detail
    You should always focus fully on a keyword topic and/or on a longtail keyword that matches your business and is directly linked to your prospects. Go in-depth, be unique and thorough, add valuable resources and make the blog article truly remarkable in addressing the topic. The beauty is that it will generate traffic to your business consistently over time.

    5. Restructured Blog Content.
    The content already published on your blog can easily be restructured into an e-book offer to help in your business and in generating email leads. Through it, you can convert small snips into social updates, or apply different formatting to convey your ideas like an infographic, a video, a podcast, a presentation, etc.

    6. Portray Your Passion.
    Blogs lets you show your passion for your business category. And who does not know that passion is contagious? It also lets you create a different image of yours. This kind of human touch is quite encouraging because people like to do business with humans only.

    7. Projects dependability and trustworthiness.
    When you publish your blog regularly or for at least once per week and do it continuously over a period of time, you unknowingly project a trustworthy image of yourself. You give a powerful image and character to your business whenever you combine this passion with the strong desire to communicate with your readers through comments or through email exchanges.

    8. Creates Fresh Contents Of Relevance For Your Website.
    When you publish the blog articles, you develop contents that are closely related to your site. Some businesses often face difficulties to update their website contents and a blog platform solves that problem.

    9. Gives An Opportunity To Index Your Website Content By The Search Engines.
    When you publish a blog article, it becomes a separate page on the website that the search engines can index. This implies that more and opportunities can be found online in contrast to business blogs. Always put your imagination into action while creating blogs individually with long-tail keywords that are relevant to your business. Each one of them represents an opportunity to get connected with your prospective customers and each of this contributes in building your presence online further.

    10. Attracts The Organic Traffic Towards Your Website
    Blog publishing lets you draw the organic traffic towards our site. These mainly consist of the new visitors who get in touch due to your content and not because they are searching forr business or company name directly. While doing so, you are widening the awareness circle as well as a siness opportunity for yourself. Always remember that blog generation gains momentum only with time and commitment. This has a semblance with investment. If you begin early, you will get the results early. At least compose 24 to 50 articles before you expect to see traffic building up around your site.

    11. Concentrate On Deeper, Thorough, And Unique Content that Compounds Over Time.
    As a part of your content strategy, you will definitely want to create content that has depth as a topic. This you can do quite easily for your business blog by creating contents that can be compounded. And, if your business prospects appreciate your content truly remarkably, you can be quite sure that that very article will generate traffic quite well in the coming future. And it will become an article so unique that it will require updates regularly.

    12. Expose Your Charming, Conversational Self Through.
    Blogs gives you more exposure to bring out your conversational skills much more than a website page. You can enquire and reply to remarks. This is indeed very human and easily reachable voice that comes out through your writing and generates lots of trustworthiness as well.

    13. Deep Linking With Relevant Contents On Your Website.
    From a practical point of view, blog articles are ideal for deep linking to relevant website content. That way, you can introduce first time (or repeat) visitors to the products and solutions available on your site.
    You can also strategically create clusters of related content that link to like content.

    14. Draw Inbound Links Towards You.
    With the help of the blogs, you can draw links from other online sources for highly educational and informative writings. These types of links become extremely welcoming when their source is of repute. They create an impression that your content has weight and is capable of directing the traffic to. It may so happen that your content catches reputable attention because of its depth and precision involving a topic. These reputable attentions can also be due to the ability of your blog to integrate ideas from related resources apart from your own website.

    15. Be vocal about something valuable on social networks.
    Superior quality blog articles provide you with legitimate material to be shared on social networking sites. Moreover, if you’re content quality is truly fabulous; the social networking site concerned willingly will help in sharing and promoting it.

    16. Become a leader with brains for your industry.
    In your business blogs, you can talk about industry trends. While you carry out analysis on those trends and puts forward your perspectives, you should put in links on those trends and on other resources for depth added to your article. Just by doing this, you can add a reason as to why you have been mentioned in the latest industry news. It will also make you curious about the ongoing trends in other industries and their relevance to you. It also provides you with the ability to compare, judge and enquire that otherwise,you might not have made. This very action can help you to stand out from others as a thought-leader.

    17. Tracking through contents that provoke your thought process.
    The blog articles created by you capture references on the amazing ideas and articles that you see online. This becomes all the more essential when you are eager to share your insights regarding these ideas with audiences of similar taste.

    18. Video and presentation embedding.
    Blog articles are capable of embedding videos or slide presentations that allows you to multipurpose contents. It lets you to smoothly share stories with your website viewers. Moreover, sharing on social media becomes easier. Business content hub creation can be done through blogs that your associates can utilize in their day-to-day business interactions.

    19. Blog article sharing through email newsletters.
    Blog article contents are quit ideal to be shared via email newsletters. By this, you can share an effective message in place of ‘buy now’ option. This means that you are quite familiar with all the steps involving the buying process.

    20. Indicates that your business is alive.
    The freshness of the website is maintained through regular publishing of the fresh web contents. It sends the right indication that your business is alive and kicking and is brimming with new ideas and solutions. Try to post at least one to new articles per week.

    21. Promote the offers via your blog content.
    Each blog article provides you with the right kind of platform to promote a content offer at each ending thus converting casual readers into sure leads

    22. Injects life into company objective.
    A good business blog brings life into the mission statement of your company. As the statement should express your belief, what makes you unique, and what exactly is your business all about.

    23. Emphasizes on people who made your business successful.
    Blog articles acknowledge the support of your customers, suppliers, associates, and related businesses behind your business success. This is the best gesture to give back what you once received. You can do this via blog interview. Remember when others come to limelight, they will let you come as well.

    24. Supports activities offline.
    It is quite obvious that not everything is done online and it’s the ultimate truth. You take part in networking events and trade shows, in-person interviews and TV shows or radio endorsements. Blogging helps you to support each one of them. You can share links and carry forward the off-line momentum via your supporting blog article and highlight on the participants and the nonparticipants as well.

    25. Checks out the marketing campaigns.
    It is often seen that a small idea being developed on a blog ultimately becomes a much bigger movement or a fully-developed campaign. We ca take the example of David Meerman Scott who wrote about new marketing rules and PR on his blog before he published it as a book.

    26. Feels the pulse of your customers better.
    Blog articles let you test the waters before you take the plunge. It lets you test new ideas and include them as a package that may appeal to specific personas.

    27. Shares the latest news
    The blog articles can play quite an effective role in sharing news and include a personal or human spin to the story compared to a traditional news story.

    28. Facilitates traffic.
    The higher the quality of articles you write that creates a information bank regarding you, the more traffic is sent to you from Google, Bing, and other search engines. If you create contents that are shareable, then others will also advertise it via their own social media or link it from their sites for you.

    29. Blogging is fun!
    Blogging indeed carries a fun factor with it. Blogging itself is extremely energizing, stimulating, and something that the young and the old look forward to eagerly.

    30. Owner of your online entity.
    The blog creates an entity out of you online. The kind of business blogs you write, slowly build up an image of you and create a series of expectations.

    31. Blogging as a great traffic generator.
    Firstly, business blogs give your search engines lots of interesting information regarding your area of expertise that the visitors can take an instant note of. Search engines are giant encyclopedias of knowledge. One types the query in the inbox and it instantaneously presents with all the relevant pages on the search.

    32. Blogs makes the purchase decisions on the reader’s behalf
    The businesses no longer take the help of the Yellow Pages while recruiting a tradesperson anymore. Nowadays, they just type-in their search criteria in Google and go through the search results. It is obvious that you will definitely check the background before taking him or her in. This is where a blog excels as it lets you introduce yourself to others, lets others take a good look at you and decide on the suitability factor and whether at all the person has anything to offer to them. The blogs lets you to be a part of the game. It is the blog that helps the potential customers to decide how really they can encash on the help that you are trying to provide.

    33. Your blog enables you to present a rounded view of who you are
    People buy from people. Your blog gives you an opportunity to let people know more about you. You can share stories about yourself and your experiences, talk about your interests, show the possibilities working with you could open up, talk about your customers, your approach and what your ideas are.

    34. Projects your personality
    Going through a few blog posts of yours gives your probable customers enough idea about your personality. This helps them to decide whether they at all want to work with you or not. And also whether you are the one they were searching for or not. It is further useful because you are saved from working with people who doesn’t match with your persona which would have ultimately resulted in partnership break.

    35. Projects the teamwork
    Share yourself and your team members in your blogs. Include their photos and videos all the time. Let others see you and your team from every possible angle. Whenever leads are generated from your potential customers, and they call or email you to show their willingness to work with you, they will instantly feel that they know you and your team for quite long. This establishes a perfect bond between you two.

    34. Makes you conscious about your image
    You should be very image conscious as a business owner. You should decide very soon as to how you want to be known. If your target is t project yourself as an expert, who speaks well on stages, and is a creator of contents that people come back to read time and again because you have written them, then blogging is the perfect way to showcase your image.

    35. Blogs are great knowledge show caser
    A knowledgeable person is always praised within and outside his circle. You can do project your business knowledge accurately through blogs and let people know about the industry you belong to as well as your own business type. You can break each and every topic down into smaller bits. This will help you to simplify even the most complicated business issues and make them look ‘easy’ to people who do not possess your kind of expertise on the subject.

    35. Case study sharing through your blog
    Case studies are often the best content that you can share through your blog. The benefits of blogging can be felt ideally through carrying out the case studies. One can link the studies to other articles about your area of expertise and include them in your sales pages. You can use well researched keyword to optimize them for search.

    36. Blogs portray your business approach
    Through the blogs that you have written, people get a clear understanding as to how and where they should spend their money. The study and research results that you place in your blogs show them the business approach you have.

    37. Your blog helps to figure out your thought process
    Have anyone ever asked about your opinion on something in particular, for example at a networking event, and you may have faltered with your answer? Your blog is exactly the right place to assemble all your thoughts together. Do you want people to know about a recent industry development? And project your view on it? You can do all this within an article and set your argument. It’s the best way to project your thoughts..

    38. Share aplenty on social media
    Are you apprehensive about what to share on social media? And maybe this is the reason why your business is not yet on social media? If you regularly update your blog, you will have a great deal of material to share on social media all day, week and month long. A blog article doesn’t lend itself by being just a link; it’s actually a gold mine of shareable business information.

    39. Email list builder
    Are you trying to build an email runaway on people who are interested in you and what you do? Your blog is the most valuable bridge to reach out to people and to sign them up. Once you generate the right kind of interest for them through your articles, they will flock more and more to hear more from you. If you use your blogs for cheat sheets creation or for checklist preparation or as e-books, then these are products that will surely tempt people to become a part of your email address.

    40. Checks on common interests and then arranges for it
    Through your regular blogs, you will get a clear indication of what topics people are interested the most. If you still don’t know, check via Google Analytics and other analytics services available. This will help you in understanding how much traffic is coming your way, pages people are often visiting, and the navigation process through your site.

    In the present world, rarely will you find any business which doesn’t have a website. But even after having a dedicated website at your possession, vital information regarding isn’t always portrayed fully. Somewhere you will still lag the required personality, or authority that will help you to truly stand apart in the crowd. And this is exactly where a company blog can become indispensible.

    Siddhartha Basu

    Siddhartha Basu is a Technical Writer at Task Virtual. He loves online games, e-book reading, and Yoga.

